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Temperature converter
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Visualisation of the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales

  Centigrade Kelvin Réaumur Fahrenheit Rankine
Freezing point of water
(at 1013,25 mbar)
0 °C 273.15 K 0 °R 32 °F 491.67 °
Boiling point of water
(at 1013,25 mbar)
100 °C 373.15 K 80 °R 212 °F 671.67 °
Interval freezing-to-boiling-point
(at 1013,25 mbar)
100 °C 100 K 80 °R 180 °F 180 °

Enter a temperature value in one of the fields and press the Convert button for calculations.

Centigrade  °C
Kelvin  K
Réaumur  °R
Fahrenheit  °F
Rankine  °
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