Software you'll never see
- LAN (the game)
LAN (Local Area Network) is a game that simulates a corporate LAN.
The player is the System Administrator of the LAN. The object of the
game is to keep the beast alive without downtime. Raises (successes)
and unpaid overtime (failures) are awarded to keep score. The
sysop in assailed with clumsy users, idiotic questions, hostile
tech support, naive management, buggy software, and defective hardware.
The system is also optionally attacked by hackers, data thieves,
consultants, and system updates.
SLUDGE II is a TSR that slows down your computer. Originally conceived
to slow the software down to the absorption level of the user, SLUDGE II
is now designed to justify the purchase of a 486 by slowing down
the 286 or 386 to an unacceptable level. Even management can see
why the work isn't getting done and will rush out and buy a 486.
- Counterfeiters Graphic Art
CGA is sample collection of 300dpi bit map scans of official government
documents. Samples are color separated and smoothed for ease of use.
For educational and artistic purposes only.
- Virus Writers Toolbox
Virus Writers Toolbox is a collection of MASM linkable libraries and
macros. Working demos included. MASM 5.1 required.
- PARENT (the game)
PARENT is a simulation of bringing up one or more kids. The age level
can be set from 0 to 20 years old. Pull down menus allow experimentation
with IQ, temperment, drug dosage, financial status, and other variables.
Demo profiles for terrible two, brat, juvenile delinquent, and
worthless bum are provided. No points are awarded as it is considered
adequate to have survived. Optional speech synthesizer support adds realism.
- CONNECT (the game)
CONNECT is a game of connectivity and interoperability. The player starts
with the Workstation of their choice and attempts to connect to designated
servers and retrieve "the data". The player starts with a limited budget.
He can can purchase bridges, routers, protocol converters, modems, X.25
connections, FDDI, T1, DSS-0, SAA, TCP/IP, XNS, LAN/X, software and
hardware to get to the desired servers. However, most of this stuff
doesn't work and expensive (pop-up) consultants are usually required.
Success is measured by the lowest $ cost per message block.
- Executive Flunky
Exec Flunk is a collection of GIF files from screen dumps of popular
business software. With a touch of one key, the busy executive can
give the onlooker the impression that he actually knows what happening.
Complex (and often messy) graphs, spreadsheets, documents, and menus
appear and disappear at the touch of a button. Simulated compiles
from the major programming languages are also included. A 30 second
screen blanker is supplied to keep anyone from getting a good look.
The three packages are writers tools.
dPLAGERIZE automatically converts text into a document with the
same meaning but different words to avoid accusations of plagerism.
The grammar level can be set from 10 year old to doctoral tresis
level. Intended for students.
OBFUSCATE does the same thing as dPLAGERIZE but makes no attempt
to preserve the meaning. Useful for legal firms.
BLOAT adds bulk without content. Useful for writers paid by the word.
- INSTALL (the game)
The player is presented with a pile of mislabeled floppies, an
unindexed manual, an assortment of "Read Me First" flyers, an addendum,
some errata, and assorted solicitations. The objective is to get
the software installed and running. Extra points are awarded for
understanding the manual, circumventing copy protection, and making
backups. Points are subtracted for trashing the hard disk, erasing
the original floppies, and profanity. Hints are available at nominal
charge from tech support by voice mail.
- TECH SUPPORT (the game)
Tech Support is an educational multi-player trivia game where opponents
ask each other idiotic technical questions. The objective is sell as
much support contracts, bbs time, update disks, utilities, books,
consulting, and bribes, in trade for the correct answers. The
correct answer is not always desireable as few sales will be made
with obvious questions. A good memory is helpful since giving the
same opponent the same answer more than three times results in
litigation and forfeit of one turn. The computer is used to keep
score and optionally supply questions.